In the past 90 days, Dealcatcher customers have spent an average of $79.60 at Red Roof Inn. The biggest sale was $216.00 and the smallest sale was $50.00.
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4.7 with 12 ratings
About Red Roof Inn: Find comfortable hotels and motels under the Red Roof Inn banner at discount rates.
Red Roof Inn Frequently Asked Questions
How do I use a Red Roof Inn promo code?
On the homepage you'll see a box that says "Special Rate" under the "Destination" box. Click on that box and select "Promo Code". You'll see an additional box show up. Paste your code in that box marked "Input Code" and apply it to your booking.
Does Red Roof Inn offer a rewards program?
Yes they do! When you sign up for RediRewards you'll get special offers and bonus promotions from Red Roof Inn.
Does Red Roof Inn offer a student / military discount?
Yes! Government and military get an extra 10% off. Plus first responders save 20% off. Seniors and AAA members get a 10% off discount too!
How do I contact Red Roof Inn?
You can call them at 1-800-733-7663 or send them a message via the Contact Us page.