Pura Vida Bracelets was founded in the summer of 2010 by two friends, Griffin Thall and Paul Goodman, during a trip to Costa Rica. While surfing, they met two struggling artisans named Jorge and Joaquin who crafted beautiful handmade bracelets. To help them, Griffin and Paul asked the artisans to make 400 bracelets, which they brought back to San Diego and they sold out of the bracelets within days.
This sparked an idea to create a movement that celebrates the simple things in life or "Pura Vida" as Costa Ricans call it. They teamed up with Jorge, Joaquin, and other artisans to create unique and handmade bracelets that celebrate the Pura Vida lifestyle. Today, Pura Vida Bracelets has become a worldwide movement, with millions of bracelets sold each year. They have partnered with over 200 charities around the world, donating over $4 million to causes that matter to their customers.