Once you've added items to your shopping cart, you'll be able to enter a coupon right from there. You'll see "Have a coupon code?" under the Order Summary section on the right hand side. Click there and enter the code. Make sure to hit the red Apply button.
What is Instant Brands's shipping / return policy?
Shipping is free with orders of $99 or more. You have 90 days to return an item you do not wish to keep. A full refund minus the original shipping and handling charges and the $8 cost of the prepaid return will be issued.
How do I contact Instant Brands?
You can contact Instant Brands at 1-800-828-7280 or you may send them a message via the form on the Customer Care Center page.
Can I find replacement parts here?
Yes you can! Check out the line of authentic parts made for Instant and Instant Pot products.