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Welcome to Firstleaf, wine lovers! Experience a personalized wine journey tailored to your unique tastes, preferences, and palate. Join the world's first personalized wine subscription service and discover your new favorite bottle today.

How Firstleaf Works
Taste profile: Answer a few questions to help Firstleaf understand your preferences and create your custom taste profile.
Custom wine selection: Receive 6 handpicked wines delivered to your doorstep, specially chosen for you based on your taste profile.
Rate and refine: Unlock your personal WinePrintTM by rating the wines from your first box, allowing Firstleaf to further refine your taste profile and future selections.

Why Choose Firstleaf?
Personalized experience: Discover wines that match your individual preferences for a truly personalized wine journey.
Convenience: Enjoy the luxury of having handpicked wines delivered right to your doorstep.
Variety: Expand your palate and try new, exciting wines from renowned vineyards worldwide.

Contact Firstleaf
Need assistance or have questions about their wine subscription service? Get in touch with Firstleaf through:
  • Their website's contact form: Fill out the form to reach their dedicated support team.
Since their inception, Firstleaf has been committed to making the world of wine accessible, enjoyable, and personalized for everyone. By curating custom selections based on your unique WinePrintTM, they ensure that every sip is a perfect match for your taste buds.

Firstleaf Frequently Asked Questions

What Makes Firstleaf Unique?

Firstleaf offers a personalized wine subscription service that tailors wine selections to your individual preferences, ensuring a perfect match every time.

How Does the Personalization Process Work?

By answering a few simple questions and rating your wines, Firstleaf refines your WinePrintâ„¢, a taste profile that helps them select wines specifically for you.

How Many Wines Are Included in Each Subscription Box?

Each subscription box contains 6 unique wines chosen based on your taste profile.

How Do I Contact Firstleaf?

Fill out the contact form on their website to reach their dedicated support team.

What Values Does Firstleaf Stand For?

Firstleaf is dedicated to making the wine experience personal, accessible, and enjoyable for everyone by curating custom selections that cater to individual preferences.

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