These discount codes are marked as expired in our system, but it's really common for coupons to work beyond their advertised expiation date. So we certainly can't guarantee that these codes work, but they very well might!
15% Off Order $100+
Good through December 20th. Score 15% off order $100+ storewide when you use this promotional code at checkout.
About ePlanters is an online retailer focusing on meshing the corporate world and surrounding yourself with nature. Their sleek designs for their plants fit perfectly with any professional setting and will brighten up your workplace with ease. Additionally, all of their planters are made of 100% recyclable material. Frequently Asked Questions
How do I use a coupon code?
To use a coupon on ePlanters add your items to your cart and click on the shopping cart icon. Under "Proceed to Checkout" you will see a discount codes drop box. Enter your coupon code and click "Apply Coupon" to redeem.
What are other tips & tricks for saving money at
Join the newsletter for special offers and promotions. Follow ePlanters on social media for their latest arrivals and style ideas.
What is their shipping/return policy?
Orders are shipped within 72 hours and ePlanters offers free shipping on select products. You are encouraged to inspect your order upon arrival. You have 7 days to return your product after it has been shipped.
How do I contact
You can contact ePlanters directly from their website under "Contact Us".