Just enter your dates, your from/to airports and the number of passengers. Once you click "Find Deals", you'll see which travel partners you can select to compare prices for your particular search, and click "Compare Selected" to see your results. From the results page, select the flight you want to book to complete your booking.
What does Airfarewatchdog offer?
Airfarewatchdog is a travel comparison site dedicated to bringing you the best prices currently available from airlines, online travel agents and hotels.
What is Airfarewatchdog's refund policy?
Airfarewatchdog is a comparison website, and not a seller, so they don't have a refund policy, that's handled entirely by the provider that booked your trip. If you're not sure what company to talk to, check your credit card statement or look at the email confirmation you received when you completed your booking.
What are other tips & tricks for saving money at Airfarewatchdog?
Learn about the latest deals & offers via the Airfarewatchdog newsletter. You can subscribe to our newsletter by entering your email address at the bottom of the main page. Do not forget to click on "Send me deals".